Anneliese Taylor
Anneliese is the Head of Scholarly Communication. Contact Anneliese for help evaluating journals and publishers, assessing research impact, and for scholarly publishing resources.

Writing Center Feasibility Study Report Now Available

The Writing Center Feasibility Study engaged the entire UCSF community through a campus survey, along with faculty focus groups, interviews, and peer research. These efforts are part of the larger Faculty Writing Support Project, led by the Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (COLASC) and the UCSF Library.

We’re pleased to share that this project, which was funded by a UCSF Academic Senate Chancellor’s Fund award to COLASC, is now complete. Below is an explanation of the project and links to outputs, including the Writing Center Feasibility Study final report.

Writing Support Project components

To facilitate equitable access to publication and grant writing, and to improve scientific communication and dissemination, COLASC and the Library launched a writing services project with three components:

  1. A Faculty Writing Support Fund which provided financial support to faculty for writing, publication, and scholarly communication expenses in Spring 2023. Additional funding was provided in 2024 through the Committee on Research.
  2. Two online writing courses for faculty in Summer 2023. The recordings and learning materials from these courses were transformed into a self-paced CLE course on scientific writing for the UCSF community.
  3. A feasibility study for a centralized writing center at UCSF. The feasibility study was carried out in 2024 by Nicole Williams, MSW, writing center project specialist. The report and accompanying documents from the feasibility study are publicly available on UCSF Box:

Next steps

  1. In consultation with UCSF leadership, EVCP Catherine Lucey will explore whether to proceed with a central UCSF writing center and how to fund it. This process is expected to begin in Spring 2025.
  2. Highlights of the project’s timeline, key findings and next steps can be found on the Academic Senate project website.
  3. The UCSF community is invited to complete this short interest form to receive updates on the writing center when they are available, including implementation decisions.

Key links related to the Writing Support Project


Have a question about this project? Contact the Library’s Scholarly Communication Team.