Lisa Leiva
Lisa is Head of Instructional Design and has over 20 years of experience working with UCSF faculty to enhance learning experiences.

Upcoming Workshop on Poll Everywhere for Learning

Would you like to know more about using Poll Everywhere in the classroom? Join Poll Everywhere instructor and UCSF education technology experts for tips on how to break up your course material with interactive, engaging questions to get students to participate and think critically. We’ll meet Wednesday, March 9 from 12:30 to 2:00pm.

What will I learn?

The session will provide an overview of creating Poll Everywhere activities. We will also share information about best practices for audience engagement and strategies for using Poll Everywhere in the classroom.

Who should attend?

If you are faculty, an instructor, or education support staff and are providing in-person teaching, are offering remote learning or a mix of both this workshop is for you!