Research papers and protocol documentation in labs and other research environments benefit from detailed instructions for repeating experiments and studies. is an open access platform for researchers to create step-by-step, interactive, and dynamic protocols that can be run and annotated online. Protocols can be created by individuals or groups and used privately or shared publicly for the benefit of all researchers. And researchers who share their protocols openly get a citable resource that can be linked to and posted in their ORCID iD.
The University of California’s California Digital Library is supporting a three-year pilot membership of which runs through May 31, 2022. This pilot allows UC researchers to test the uses of the platform for private collaboration around method development and for use in classrooms. Find out more about the UC pilot, including member benefits and how to get started. The following three webinars are offered by for the UC community.
Introductory webinar
Join the introductory webinar on November 3, 2021 at 1:00 pm PT to learn more about, how to write research protocols, and the benefits of UC’s Premium account.
Register for Introduction to and the art of writing protocols
Advanced webinars
Another webinar, Tips and Tricks for UC Power Users, is offered twice for those already familiar with the platform. Sign up for one of the following dates to learn more about the advanced features and functionality of
November 10, 2021 at 12:00 pm PT
December 7, 2021 at 4:00 pm PT