Many of the resources that we use in the Makers Lab to make, discover, and teach come from free, open source software and repositories. In continuing with the spirit of open source accessibility, we are excited to share our own repository of original projects, made right here in the UCSF Library! Not only will this include projects created in the Makers Lab, but also projects created through collaborative partnerships with different departments and disciplines across campus.

Within the Makers Lab Project Repository, you will find information about each project, as well as access and download shared files for 3D printing. All 3D models are licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution license.

3D print a copy of a project for your learning, build upon an existing project, or simply acquire inspiration for your next project. We envision this repository as an ongoing work in progress, with more and more models and resources to be added in the future!

If you would like to contribute your project to the Makers Lab Project Repository, contact the Makers Lab.