Sophia Conover
Sophia is a Research Librarian at the UCSF Library.

Favorite UCSF Databases for Education Topics!

Many of us use PubMed on a daily bases, but what if your research extends beyond the health sciences and into another discipline?  Did you know that UCSF subscribes to over 300 other databases? You can view a complete list of our databases and their descriptions here.
Below I list some of my favorite databases for topics in Education. Sample topics might include: pharmacy education assessment, interprofessional education, teaching practices, medical education and accreditation, etc. 

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete is an excellent multidisciplinary database of scholarly and general interest journals and books from 1887 to the present.

A search on (“interprofessional education” OR “inter-professional education”) yields 1,955 results.


ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center, is a database containing research specifically for education. It is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.  Sources include journals, conference proceedings, curricula, research reports, dissertations and government documents.

A search on (“interprofessional education” OR “inter-professional education”) yields 150 relevant results.


JSTOR contains journals and other primary sources in the humanities and social sciences. JSTOR is known for digitizing back journals, which range from 1665 to the present.  This database is a great resource for historical projects, for example, researching the history of pharmacy education.