Sean McClelland
Sean is the Manager of Tech Innovations with over 20 years of tech support and training experience and an extensive background in video production, photography, and digital art.

Automatic Video Captioning Now Available in the UCSF CLE

Instructional video content is an important component for each academic program at UCSF, and captioning makes that content accessible for learners. The captioning process for videos uploaded to the CLE just got a whole lot easier. As of September 14, 2022, all new video content is captioned automatically!

Captioned video playing from the CLE

Machine language captioning, otherwise known as artificial intelligence (AI) captioning, has been enabled for the Media@UCSF video hosting platform. The process runs automatically for all new content uploaded or recorded using the Media@UCSF plug-in and it generates English language captions free of charge. The captioning accuracy rates are 80 – 90%. A caption editor tool is provided for content owners who wish to correct the spelling of names and medical terminology.

This is just one of several options for captioning video content. Otter remains available to academic program instructors who wish to do more with captions and transcripts. Remember that Zoom also has a built-in captioning options for remote meetings.

Please review the Library’s Media@UCSF: Machine Captioning help article for more information on this new feature.