Library spaces open to UCSF ID holders. See timeline for reopening.

Student IT Support

For students

We can provide one-on-one hands-on tech support for your personally owned devices to help you to comply with current requirements for IT Security. Contact us to make an appointment.

The Tech Commons Help Desk is staffed by UCSF IT Field Services Monday – Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

We welcome all IT questions. If we can't resolve it, we'll refer you to the right place to get the problem fixed.

For faculty and program coordinators

Our IT experts in the Library Tech Commons, in collaboration with IT Field Services Health Desk, can coordinate the setup of new student computers prior to the start of their program — so that everyone is ready for teaching and learning when classes start. Contact us to schedule an orientation.

Orientation process

  1. Students complete a pre-orientation survey
    • we collect details about the computer they will use for their UCSF education
    • we gather information for scheduling a virtual one-on-one setup of their personally owned devices
    • we clarify the UCSF student tech requirements
  2. We deliver a live orientation via Zoom with a presentation followed by Q&A (slides provided in advance.)
  3. We schedule and complete a virtual one-on-one tech setup with each student that completed the survey

Contact us

Have a question? Check our Help Center for frequently asked tech questions. If you can’t find your answer, contact us.